Nježni povratak EKO sojine svijeće
U svome kućanstvu odlučile smo industrijske parafinske svijeće zamijeniti ručno rađenim svijećama od sojinog voska.
Naša eko sojina svijeća Cotton flower izrađena je od biorazgradivog sojinog voska, a ono što uz izostanak štetnih sastojaka kod nje najviše volimo je njezin istovremeno nježan i postojan miris cvijeta pamuka. Iako ima prepoznatljiv miris, hipoalergena je i prilikom izgaranja ne otpušta štetne sastojke.
Endocrine disruptors in cosmetics
On the occasion of today's World Menopause Day, we bring you a blog about endocrine disruptors and their impact on women's health: what are these substances and chemical compounds that disrupt the work of the hormonal system and thus lead to hormonal imbalance in the body?
When choosing the composition of Melli Aromatica products, we made a special effort because it was extremely important for us to design products that will support human health. You can find it with us natural cosmetics that do NOT contain endocrine disruptors. The list of ingredients of hyaluronic face cream and hyaluronic face serum with the power of copper and their detailed action is transparent, and is waiting for you on each individual product box.
A mini introduction to aromatherapy
Plants breathe, have membranes and DNA, cells similar to the human body, produce oxygen, convert energy, create protein, fat and carbohydrate molecules. Thanks to plants, animals and people have food. So gentle and sensitive, but so powerful that they are capable of doing multiple things at the same time!
You and your face
You must have seen all your faces last year, if you didn't have the chance (or strength) until then. In 2020, you could get to know your different being, your body and skin, spirit and mind. The emotional struggle with oneself and with others causes, among other things, changes in the face! Not even protective masks helped...