A mini introduction to aromatherapy

Plants breathe, have membranes and DNA, cells similar to the human body, produce oxygen, convert energy, create protein, fat and carbohydrate molecules. Thanks to plants, animals and people have food. So gentle and sensitive, but so powerful that they are capable of doing multiple things at the same time!

Essential oils are applicable in all aspects of our lives and have a positive effect on the mind, mood and emotions. It's simple - introducing essential oils can help you feel better.


The term "aromatherapy" can be understood as smell therapy. Aromatherapy implies the use of essential oils for the purpose of preserving the mind, spirit and body - the author of the term is the French chemist Gattefosee. The author of the book on methods of therapeutic use of essential oils is not without reason called the father of modern aromatherapy: after an explosion in the laboratory, he put his burned hands in a container with lavender essential oil - he immediately felt relief, and within a few days the burns were barely visible.


It's no coincidence that I have a headache today while I'm writing my blog, so while I'm writing I'm also testing the theory that one drop of lavender essential oil on the temples can bring relief. We will find out if the headache and the tapping in the head will disappear, I hope by the end of the blog :)


Essential oils in cosmetics


The list is really long, and we can't help but admire the abilities of essential oils that not only work on the physical and biochemical level of the human body, but also on the emotional, spiritual and intellectual levels.

Essential oils and aromatherapy are our daily routine. Melli mama Vesna uses precious drops of lavender, mandarin and tea tree essential oils in her clay soaps.

Tea tree essential oil has an antiseptic, antiviral and antibacterial effect. Tea tree helps treat acne, clean pores and heal tissue.

Mandarin oil acts as a disinfectant, purifies the blood and helps maintain the balance of oil and moisture in the skin.

Soothing lavender oil stimulates skin regeneration, helps heal acne and eczema, and prevents infections.


Natural perfumes


Essential oils also play the role of natural perfumes. In the SVEA anti-aging face cream, you will find natural Damask rose perfume oil on the list. ITA body lotion, MAIRI dry oil and ANI lip balm smell like a combination of rose and almond.


Italy was the first country to produce natural perfumes, and today they can also be found in wonderful Croatian brands like Lykke in the form of medallions in which oils are dripped onto a sponge. For her recent birthday, Vesna received a medallion with a rose motif as a gift, and you guessed it - she likes to use rose oil so that the scent will accompany her throughout the day.



Essential oils in everyday life


In our own home, we can use essential oils in diffusers, in order to refresh the space with a scent, create a pleasant atmosphere and affect a certain mood. Meditation and relaxing baths are indescribably loved with essential oils, and we can even use them in the garden - to protect plants! Inhaling scents during colds, religious ceremonies, treating physical difficulties and injuries, nutrition, keeping clothes in the wardrobe, massages with oils, on the pillows we sleep on, in saunas, for cleaning shower cabins and bathtubs, floors, tiles... What a spectrum of applications of essential oils! Just imagine that there are about 300 types of essential oils, and only one bottle of oil can have multiple uses!


Fun facts
  • One of the most expensive essential oils is jasmine oil - 4.5 million jasmine petals need to be collected by hand to make 530 milliliters of oil.
  • The reason why an oil may not work for one person like it does for most people is - genetics!
  • The original recipe for Coca-Cola from 1886 contains essential oils of orange, lemon, nutmeg, coriander and neroli
  • At the coronation of the British Queen Elizabeth II in 1953, essential oils of neroli, rose, cinnamon and jasmine were used in the base oil with which she was anointed.


Nature gave us a timeless fragrance pharmacy, which the author of the book "The complete book of essential oils and aromatherapy", Valerie Ann Worwood rightly calls our extended family. It might sound like a miracle to you at first, but if it weren't for plants, we wouldn't exist either!

I wrote you only a little bit of information about essential oils, and scientists are still researching all the characteristics and benefits of essential oils, but what is certain - the range of applications of oils is huge, and it was gifted to us by nature. I strongly advise you to be well informed before using essential oils, they are fragrant and powerful, but you should treat them with respect.


I know that we are taught to be in the comfort zone and take a pill to stop our headaches, but I also know that it is possible to take a step towards nature and believe in its power - the headache from the beginning of the blog subsided because of lavender essential oil :)


Are you waiting for our next blog about essential oils or are you already researching yourself which essential oils you need to improve the quality of your life?


Fragrant greetings, Ivana




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